Well...iv been holding off on writing this blog...just because of the fact..that the day has came and gone and my babies are up in heaven and not in my arms! I have grieved so much over the last 7 1/2 months that yesterday i felt ok, its ok to move forwards , i will be ok! Hubby and i did get 2 balloons 1 pink & 1 blue since we never made it that far to even know the gender of the babies.. and wrote on the balloons and sent them up to heaven for them to play with. I cryed when we let them go and we sat and watched them for awhile but my husbands arms were wrapped tight around me and letting me just cry.

With all the support of my family and friends it also made the day a little easier!
Thank you all so much!
Leo and I will always have a special place in our hearts for the babies!
So im just going to make the blog short and sweet!!!
Here is what was wrote on the balloons
Dear Baby
Mommy & Daddy loved you so very much
we wanted you more then anything
we know your in a better place know
we love you very much
love always & forever
mom & dad
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