2 weeks old on July 1st
-I like to eat every 3-4 hours
-i drink around 3 oz of formula
- i love to be in my bouncy seat
-i love to snuggle with mommy-daddy
-i don't like my swing
-my belly button cord fell off last week
-i like to take a bath, but hate my hair washed
When they same time flys..it sure does... 2 weeks old tomorrow, my little girl is 2 weeks already!! I love being a mommy it truly is amazing, so worth the wait and never giving up, so worth all the ups and downs and disappointments, so worth all the money in the world. waking up to her every moring all bright eyed and looking at me...her mommy...she needs me every day..and i love that..she loves to look at her mommy and she smiles and shes a happy baby! i couldn't ask for more!! Tori is also madly in love with her daddy, she looks forward to him coming home from work and loving up on her and giving her kisses and snuggles! We actually both look forward to when daddy comes home. We have stayed pretty busy the last couple of days, between going and visiting grandma and her auntis and her cousins and visiting her great grandmas and going shopping and going out and about to fairs.. but also.. she got her newborn pictures done! We can't wait to see them. Kadi our photographer does amazing work.. and we love her! she is so sweet and just is a all around wonderful person!! The weather has been pretty nice we have tried to get outside when we can..but Tori gets so hot and the bugs are kinda yucky..but she does enjoy being outside! Mommy and Daddy try to take her for awalk but it doesn't always happen.. Mommy gets tired after taking care of her all day and cleaning and just being a momma, but i wouldn't change it for anything.....
Tori Enjoys taking a bath but hates her hair wash. She also enjoys her bouncy seat but not a big fan of her swing. She is still swimming in her Newborn outfits. She is putting on weight her little face is getting rounder and rounder, but so cute!!
Tori loves all the snuggles she gets from her family! I believe shes going to be a grandmas girl! She loves her grandma!! Its so cute blaze calls her cutie or says shes cute..is so fun to watch him with her. Colton is warming up to her..each and every time they see each other, the other night he was trying to share cars with her and that a major thing for colton :)
Her auntis adore her and love hold her and love on her!!
Great grandma loves to show Tori off to all her friends and loves to kiss her and rock her! She is loved buy so many
We will be going down to Illinois at the end of July and visiting her grandpa sloan and grandma sloan and the rest of the gang.. its going to be a short visit but it will be fun, she also gets to meet her uncle jacob..hes pretty excited for that!!
Tori is loved by so many people its crazy! We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives! We couldn't thank each and everyone of you enough!!
Here are a few pictures of Tori
