Monday, February 13, 2012

Im dumb, im dumb, i dumb........

so.................My date to take a pregnancy test is coming up sometime this week......or the beginning of next week...and what do i do...i test....and of course it was negative!!!!!!!! I'm not even 5 days before my period arrives yet...what the hell was i thinking this 2 week wait seems like a lifetime...I hope and pray I'm pregnant do i think i am deep down NOPE...i do have a few symptoms tired...and sore boobs...but anything can make me tired and my boobs are always sensitive...ugh really I'm dieing inside for this wait to be over...even if it is Negative then we can start another round of shots...........Lord let me make it threw these next few LONG DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do i do this to myself?!? i know the outcome because I'm maybe 6dpo there is No way not even a blood test could tell if i was pregnant i guess i was just hoping some miracle it would say Positive! Then i would be happy go lucky blah blah blah!! but nope...................ugh!!

I will become pg someday right?!? i will be a mom someday right?!? i know no one can answer these questions...but infertility SUCKS!!!!!!!